We all know how important it is to drink water,  over half our bodies are made up of water, and it’s necessary to keep us functioning! Here are some of the signs you may be dehydrated and need to drink more agua:


5 Tips for drinking more water and reaching your 2L a day challenge: 

  1. Drink a full glass of water before your coffee in the morning – you may even find you don’t need that coffee anymore
  2. Keep a reusable water bottle close by, where ever your go
  3. Set reminders to drink water throughout your day
  4. Add fruits to your water for extra burst of flavour
  5. Eat water-rich foods: add fruits and veggies with high water content to your meals, some great choices are cucumber (96% water), zucchini (95% water), watermelon (92% water), and grapefruit (91% water).


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